Kathleen Du Perron Menard

Kathleen Du Perron Menard, RN
Certified Breastfeeding Specialist

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I am determined to help women in ways I never had but desperately needed. My goal is to help women feel empowered to nourish their babies in whatever way they choose to breastfeed. We have the tools and knowledge to help guide you through your breastfeeding journey in a judgement free way. 

At Epione Health, we believe in the power of education and empowerment, giving you the confidence and knowledge to make informed health decisions. Together, we will create a treatment plan personalized for you based on your presentation and needs using: 

  • Comprehensive maternal and infant assessment

  • Infant oral assessment for oral ties

  • In person nursing/pumping session with professional latch and flange assistance

  • Test weights before and after nursing session to determine how much milk infant is receiving

  • Determine infant weight gain according to the WHO growth charts using a hospital grade scale

  • Professional flange Sizing

  • Lactation Support Package

  • Lactation Supply Store with professional recommendations

“After struggling with breastfeeding and having to figure it out alone, my passion is to help women feel empowered to nourish their babies in whatever way they choose to breastfeed”

Hi! I’m Kathleen Du Perron Menard. I’m a Registered Nurse, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist and IBCLC Candidate. 

A little about my breastfeeding journey

My breastfeeding journey started after the birth of my son in August 2022. What was initially supposed to be an easy and natural thing, turned into heartache and tears when her son was unable to latch..

After several days of failed attempts, formula supplementation, and countless moments of wanting to quit, I began my journey as an exclusive pumper.

Due to a lack of local services specific to pumping, I self taught herself everything to do with pumping. I have been able to successfully pump for over 6 months and will continue to pump for as long as I can.

The pumping world can seem daunting and overwhelming. My goal is to guide women through its challenges with expert knowledge and personal recommendations. From proper flange sizing to scheduling, pumping does not have to be hard.

That is where Empower & Nourish was born.

My areas of interest include:

  • Prenatal breastfeeding education 
  • Post partum breastfeeding support 
  • Pumping education and support
  • Professional Flange Sizing
  • Pumping schedule creation
  • Nipple Damage caused by pumping
  • Oral tie assessment 
  • Inability to latch 
  • Low milk supply
  • Low weight gain 

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from St. Lawrence/Laurentian University Nursing in 2019. Since then, I have worked as a critical care nurse in Cornwall’s ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic. I currently work part-time as a Post-Anesthesia Recovery Nurse in Cornwall’s. In my free time you can find me playing with my dalmatian and hanging out at Epione with baby Ben. 


What is a Lactation Support Specialist?

A lactation specialist is a trained professional who helps parents and infants with breastfeeding challenges.

Kathleen provides support and education to ensure you have all the tools required to successfully breastfeed.

What services are provided?

As a lactation specialist, Kathleen is able to help you with numerous breastfeeding

challenges such as:

  • Poor milk supply
  • Low weight gain
  • Inability to latch
  • Oral tie assessments
  • Frenotomy aftercare
  • Nipple pain and damage
  • Nursing positions
  • Pumping education
  • Flange sizing
  • Engorgement
What to expect during a nursing consultation?
  • Infant observation (appearance and behaviour)
  • Maternal breast and nipple examination
  • Breastfeeding session + assessment
  • Correct breastfeeding issues
  • Comprehensive care plan
  • Address additional concerns
What to expect during a pumping Consultation?

The pumping world can seem daunting and overwhelming. Kathleen’s goal is to guide women through its challenges with expert knowledge and personal recommendations. From proper flange sizing to scheduling, pumping does not have to be hard. 

Together you and Kathleen will:

  • Create a pumping schedule that encompasses your lifestyle
  • Determine correct flange sizing with live pumping session
  • Determine appropriate breast pump and settings
  • Comprehensive care plan and pumping education
What sets Kathleen apart?

Kathleen takes a special focus on mothers who choose to pump.

Why do women choose to pump?

  • Create a milk stash
  • Be able to momentarily spend time away from baby
  • Share feeding duties with partner or other individuals
  • Nursing is not for them